The Rotary Club of Hamburg is sponsoring its 16th Annual Warm the Children Program. Although Western New York has enjoyed mild autumn weather, cold temperatures, snow and ice are sure to greet us in the coming weeks, especially based on last year’s historic snowstorms!
Over 480 youngsters are ready for the cold weather, some experiencing winter for the very first time. “As temperatures dip and snow falls, families participating in this year’s Warm the Children program have winter jackets, warm hats, gloves and cuddly pajamas, courtesy of caring individuals, organizations and local foundations, which have made generous contributions to this year’s Warm the Children program,” explains Elizabeth Angelbeck, who coordinates the program for Rotary Club of Hamburg each year.
Over 75 community volunteer shoppers, who accompany families to Walmart, share stories of gratefulness on the part of parents, grandparents and even great grandparents, after they’ve selected new, warm clothing for their children. Warm the Children is the grateful beneficiary of donations from Hamburg & Frontier Central Retirees Associations, Alice L. Say Foundation, Dreamcatcher Foundation, Louise K Mokadam Family Foundation, East Hill Foundation along with other community organizations and caring individuals. Warm the Children truly kicks off the season of giving.
Tax deductible donations are still being accepted. Giving levels include Joyful Benefactor ($500 or higher); Caring Supporter ($200-$499); Special Friend ($100-$199). However, donations in ANY amount are greatly appreciated! Those wishing to contribute may do so by making checks payable to Warm the Children Fund, and either mailing or bringing donations to Evans Bank, 5999 S. Park Avenue, Hamburg, NY 14075. Or, contributions may be made online at www.hamburgrotaryclub.org/SitePage/warm-the-children.