The Rotary Club of Hamburg installed its new president and slate of 2016-17 officers during the “passing of the gavel” ceremonies held June 28 at a picnic at the Taylor Road Park in Hamburg. The induction of new President Barbara Stanley and recognition of 2015-16 President Maria Guizzotti was overseen by District Governor Marleen Diehl and former Rotary Secretary Tom Johnston. Dihl, who had just assumed the leadership of District 7090 that week, and Johnston also bestowed Paul Harris Fellow awards to nine individuals; one posthumously.
Along with Stanley, new officers installed were: Patricia T. Castiglia, secretary and Cindy Taylor, treasurer. Paul Harris Fellows were awarded to: Tom Swarthout and Eileen Hotho, 1st Award; Lisa Avery, Patricia T. Castiglia, Tom Johnston, James Loomis, Dave Woolley and Tom Blaine (posthumous), 2nd Award; and Tom Eaton, 3rd Daughters Laura Smith and Lisa Avery accepted the Paul Harris award on behalf of Tom Blaine.
A special award was also presented to Johnston in recognition of many years of service to the Rotary Club of Hamburg. Guest Bill Diehl was welcomed to the event and immediate past officers, Secretary Amanda Black, Treasurer Eloise Zoyhofski and outgoing President Maria Guizzotti were all commended for their service. Terms of office are for one year beginning July 1.
The Rotary Club of Hamburg was founded on Feb. 24, 1942. Members are planning a 75th anniversary gala sometime in 2017. Rotary District 7090 encompasses Western New York and Southern Ontario, Canada.